Sunday, April 30, 2006

Living in a place where muslims are a minority has its own set of emotional and social baggage. For one, you always represent Islam. While doning hijab, you are identified as a muslim, and all of your actions and words become those of a "muslim woman." People may not conciously, or actively understand that they think this way, but they do. You carry Islam with you wherever you are. Your frustrations, anger, joy, sadness, and laughter are not simply yours, but of every muslim.

How do I know this? I am often the first (and only) muslim these people will meet. They have no other personal experience with a muslim. When they talk about muslims, I am the person they are thinking about (along with OBL).

Sometimes the weight of this, makes me sad. I know I suck. I don't want my suckiness to reflect on Islam or leave them with an impression that all muslims suck like me.


Anonymous said...

tis okay you dont suck that bad :-)

sammerai said...

quiƩnes son usted?