Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I'm drugs right now, and I feel strange. Alhamdulillah. Kind of like I'm floating. Or at least my brain is. =S


yasmine said...

What kinda drugs are you on? I'm a big fan of drugs. Just kidding. =) Hope you're well inshaAllah. A beautiful, blessed Eid for you and yours.

sammerai said...

themoonsplit: =). InshaAllah I hope we can actually eat lunch together next time. haha.

yasmine:Belated Eid Mubarak to you as well. You know, my roommate was hindko speaking too? I even told her about your blog, and she was kind of shocked because hindko people are rare... and precious ;)The drugs are a concoction of muscle relaxers, anti inflammation, and pain relievers. Needless to say when combined give me a floaty feeling, which isn't as good as it sounds. =P Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.

umm layth: inshaAllah you're welcome to share, as long as you come pick them up yourself ;) May Allah heal you and your family ASAP, ameen