I was studying with my brother outside the computer hall on campus a couple weeks ago. We were sitting on the patio area outside because the breeze was nice. It was the first time I stayed so late on campus and it was nice to hang out with my brother. He pretended to study and I pretended to read. We talked alot about the end of his career as a "student," and what he would do in the "real world". Talking with him made me a bit scared for myself, although my major has more of a direct job market. InshaAllah it'll all turn out fine. Then he went inside to check his email and get something to eat. While he was gone, a man approached me, and said salaams...acted like he was about to walk away, then asked me where i was from and if i spoke arabic. Briefly looking up from my books, I responded, noticing his well-ironed striped oh-too-colorful shirt. Now knowing that my appearance belied my arabic fluency, he pretended to walk away again. I continued to look too busy to be bothered, the entire time thinking, "when is he leaving? why won't he leavvvee?!? " He approached me again, and told me where he was from. The whole time I'm wondering where my brother was and why he was taking so long. I kept looking at my computer and books like i was incredibly busy. Alhamdulillah, it finally worked and he walked away. He would never have talked to me if my brother was there.
Now, I'm usually interested in knowing about people who might be muslim and even those who aren't (im such a crazy liberal) . It is of genuine interest to me, however, when it feels like you're hitting on me...I get nervous and antsy and can't wait for you to leave. I usually just approach girls. I think that should be the general rule...don't talk to me unless you're a girl. But apparently people don't know about this rule. I would think at least Muslim guys should know this rule. What really irks me is the 21 questions. I really just want to tell people, it's none of your business. Muslim male or not...you don't need to know me, or where i'm from, where I go to school, what's my major, who are my parents, where did i grow up, how my english is so good, am I married, how old i am, what I'm wearing underneath, how long is my hair, what color is my hair. I just don't think it is any of your business. You don't start a conversation that way. It's rude. Ask me about my thing on my head (hijab), why I wear black, am i a mozlem, why i am not christian, where is OBL, or if I've accepted Jesus (as)...questions like that I'm cool with.
I really don't like personal questions. Especially when you're some random person in Wal-mart. Break the ice, ask me where the garbanzo beans are, show me the cute baby in your buggy. But despite my desire to be somewhat comfortable, people still ask very personal questions before they ever say hello. Being "The Ambassador of Islam" that I am, I always politely oblige them with simple truthful, skip-the-details answers. *sigh*
If you know a way to evade personal questions in a polite manner that won't turn people off from you or islam, please do share.